Sunday, March 22, 2009

Questionnaire part two: the apartment

The problem with my apartment:
- Unfinished. Incomplete. Cluttered.
It doesn't say anything I like about myself to me - so I don't want to invite others in.

If my apartment could speak it would say,
"Relax. Enjoy your time here."

I would like to feel less dragged down by the pile of undone things that my apartment holds.

I would like my visitors to describe my apartment as:
- Together
- Smart
- Creative

My assessment...
I feel like a lot is unfinished in my life and my home is where a lot of those things have accumulated. I don't feel focused or sharp - but I do feel there are things to like in what I do and am if I could relax and do things with elan rather than to get them off the list.

So while my home may not be awful I've imbued it with my insecurities so I don't invite people over and rarely really enjoy it.

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